Your comments
Sad. You're the type to be hard online but can't do anything IRL, right? I mean, it makes sense; you didn't explain anything after your argument. 'If I'm idiot, I wouldn't respond this way'. What? Respond the dumb way you do? Make some sense once in a while, moron. Shut it and give up before you get destroyed.
I am, though. I am the best in the world, to be honest.
When? Are you talking about when I was still a noob? Dude. That's sad, to be honest. PLS PEACE did that too, but he sucks; so you suck too? You can't beat me anymore, though, I've become the best in the game.
Pretty pathetic. You better have more respect for your superior. It's sad that you don't know what wasting time is against idiots like you.
I don't care about his games or life; how do you think other game devs make themselves liked by that community, huh, moron? Yeah, shut it.
Your post has so many problems that I don't know how I should react to it. Should I destroy every single point you made, since it's so dumb, or should I let you be dumb? I'll let you be dumb; I don't have time to waste with walnuts like you. Maybe when I have more time.
Invite me to try what? Beat you? How sad. That'll be easier than the rest of these morons.
Are you one of those kids lying about having beaten me? I don't remember playing against any Chong En, moron, especially from an AS server.
Pathetic. You actually think you've found someone better than me, the Prince of All Saiyans? Pft. Go ahead and name. Nobody can beat me in Wilds.
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Whom do you think is better than me? Only about 4 people are, and they all quit, making me the best.