Your comments

You have to understand that Rez has already notice this topic but he dont want to accomplish the idea now.

Rez can't fix this unfortanetely

He said:

No matter how many bugs you will find there I will not fix them because it's like asking me to fix bugs on facebook :)

In my opinion if Rez are going to add new weapon he has to put it in place of spear.

Im not scolding you... On the contrary congratulations for the good topic. 😀

I say "is connected with this"

This is the reason because he create BRUTAL football mode 😉

Few similar to the arena... But if some players are friends ally and start killing you 2v1 and after killing make a pvp without you? xD

Guys, Rez is not few intelligent that he did not notice that many players want the balance of weapons ... If he did not, there would be a reason.

Nothing. 😉