Your comments
ew no
no one agrees...
Rez, you should make a dev announcement or something for people to go to istealth's youtube or xPlode or something the io game lets players and if people comment on their videos "play" theyll make a video and more players will join.
yea i know that, but that's just a symbol, think of the Kingdom of England for example the flag is a big red cross, you don't call the Kingdom of England "Red Cross" do you?
why has this change happened? i really dont like it. ;(
no not really, think of csgo, thats what i mean team names. thats all!
its not dash its sprint. dash is when you double click w,a,s, or d
Yeah None can also be called Renegades/Barbarians/or Deserters. I Personally Like Deserters more!
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its actually a really good strategy for running away you jump in the market and they will go after you and you jump right away and go backwards and they most likely will just go past you lol