Your comments

Well, you can always kick it. Or roll away. Or dash away. Or do something that builds character.

They could cost more. Lets say the shield replenishes every 20 seconds.

Exactly. That's why it breaks it so easily. I guess it could be 4.

No, 15 seconds because you can't be dependent on your shield. This will help actual real-life skill lol. Reflexes and such.

Well. To be serious, you don't have to die. It's hard to survive tho

Or once in a while you could do an announcement which says: Zombie Horde And a bunch of zombies come out and you die and they eat your brains and everyone screams and yay.

Creepy sounds that make you swear. Or maybe once in a while just have a slender man pop up with a creepy sound. Loud.

And I have been playing since August. Pretty long.



Huh. Funny you bring that up. Your Tribe?

Thanks. I forgot we were barbarians xD