Your comments

Maybe replace the normal throwing knife with this would be a little better because a small knife does not make much since unless this is the back up weapon when you throw you main weapon like in most movies when a fighter loses there weapon they use a smaller weapon, but you could have the choice to use this weapon or not instead of fist

what about all chat is global and you can also have a privet chat for tribe members or people that use the same match making cod.

its a little harder when there's more then one but thanks for the tips

not a bad idea it would be better if it was on the players hands as a decail instead of just fist since the would do the same damage it would add color just a gold strip of something nothing really fancy

and when you hit tab and don't realize it and cant speak to anyone

Everything is dif from original wilds weapons characters items map graphics so this wouldn't hurt but you can still play 3 person or 1 person this way not be forced 1 person

ik but it still would be cool to me

well i meant where you could switch the view.

Idk kinda like most sniper games the stick man ones.

As a camera view