Your comments

It was reported long ago,and its still not solved.

Jesus,it was a joke.

Thats a bug!PC could not switch it,its that awfull,dont judge my pc

No i rly didn t know it,nahh.

Assholes,but if they want to kill themselves with alkaline coumpund intakes destroying blood and lymph system,then so be it.

I mean,in hands of accurate and resourcefull archers is already op.But it is still unsettling to see braking physics with your ass,its just stupid and you look dumb doing it+it doesnt make sense unless you are last ninja with   fast reflexes and agility on brink of extinction like Ukryty,then its acceptable.That is why is Ukryty under my supervision,though its not worth it since he s ninja already.

What a waste.No srsly,how is this not settled yet by now?

*beer* Wow *clap clap* soon.

Are you f#cking serious?!