Your comments

I apologize for bumping this but, I used to play on mobile a lot and it worked fine, I played on mobile so much people thought that I was being rude(you can't access chat on mobile but everything else works fine).

You're drawings are way better than I could do. This idea makes me think "Why didn't I think of that?".

Your exact question was "..., how many times did I just say phase?". You said "phase" twice, but you said all forms of said word 5 times in total.

You said "phasing" twice and "phases" once, and you also said "phase" twice.

This is a kettle hat.

There should be a Wikipedia page on it. Google Images won't show you how they behave...and might give anyone looking at you're search history the wrong idea....

So...Jacks, just as a weapon? I like this idea +1 from me, but why would the trap be fallen into shouldn't it act like the Spiky Balls from Terraria? (for those of you who don't know what that is just search up :"Terraria Spiky Balls"...just clear you're search history after or have fun explaining what that is to your parents.)