Your comments
If your team wins 3-0, does that mean that the opposite team will lose 3 ranks while yours gains 3 ranks? So if the score ends up being 2-3, does that mean that the team will only end up losing 1 rank?
Would be harsh if they're not used to video games that are beat 'em up / hack n' slash.
Not so sure about football as people who play support roles (defense or killing enemy defense) are penalized in the sense that they are not rewarded for playing well. It's more focused on people who make the actual goals rather than the team as a whole.
Why not both US and Europe?
Would be fun, something like what planet side has.
Maybe, but this is creating extra work for Rezoner that's not really needed. He's already said that there's only so many skins and weapons he can add due to the game's engine, so it would make his job easier to simply make the bots distinguishable by their name and darker name background. I do like the shield bashing idea, however, again it's making more work that's not really needed. He'd have to make an entirely new move for that, and it would only be available for bots.
You can already invite more than one player by sending the link that the game provides. I do this often with people on discord.
I've fallen there before :(
That's true, would be nice to have statistics like that. Maybe brackets showing win/lose ratios + kill/death ratios?
So something like
Ruins kdr: 3/1
Arena win lose (overall): 5/1
Arena win 1 point: 4/1
Arena win 2 point: 3/1
Arena win 3 point: 2/1
Customer support service by UserEcho
Sorry to bump, but I want to know if this will change. Also, if the scores were to change, what would happen if you win by 3-0? Do you gain 3 ranks, and the opposite team loses 3, or if it's 2-3, that one team wins 1 rank and the other loses 1? Thanks :)