
Reporting El Lobito for greifing

Knight of Rage 8 years ago updated by WilderLord 8 years ago 14

I was king on the silver team, and El Lobito (also on silver team) used a rope/grappling hook to pull me onto the spikes and kill me so he could get my bones. When I asked 'why' in chat, he responded with 'muhahaha' and 'I am king now.' This is also a bug report: griefing in this manner should not be possible.


Sounds like a good 1 april joke ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Well, it was't.

Well I think that this is a good reason why we should have a "hide chat option".

Well, you should get used to the new weapon :D


LOL El Lobito always so funny xD

Stressed P v P.


Why is this even a problem? Purpose of the king tag is so that people will focus on you and kill you right? +1 for lobito


He has a point, regardless on how it is amusing - team killing is not designed in the game. Everyone was baffled when you could team kill people with a bomb. The same goes with the grapple, it is not designed for that use.


ppprankd bro


He did it to me like 4 times don't be salty about it

I agree with E%patriate, teammates shouldn't be able to do this to you.


love you too

first you over reacted, second true, you should not be able to do that. it would really piss me off.

killing team mates so easily is just dumb.