Your comments

I have had this problem before, but not anymore. I would just go towards where I would automatically go and it would stop

why the dislikes ? i believe that this idea has a pretty good potential, but the problem is some players might target only one guy, like braian said.

Geez it's just a game dude. I know that it's annoying but you just gotta deal with it. Calling them cowards and complaining about how people play and win against you won't change anything. You need to figure out how to beat them, that's all.

eerrrrmm,,,,ok ? not sure what to think about you mean like your character just sits on the ground ? If yes then i think that its kinda useless and boring

eerrrmmm we already have the claws soooo yeeeaaah....

oh and the special attack for the bow is already a fire arrow

i would've put the weird guy that says nice, but eh :/

i see....will try that

look, just try to imagine my situation... every single time you get close to him, he goes away and continuously shoots at you...just what am i supposed to do bro

huh 2 dislikes...probably people that uses staff in the arena x