Anti running mechanic
I hate runners, and the worst part is the runner is usualy the king. that does not want to be killed.
i think that there should be a mechanic where when someone engages you( meeles you in a certain radius) it creates a ring if you step outside the ring for a certain amount of time (4 seconds) the narrator says in a deep voice "coward!" and restricts you from running for about 20 seconds allowing your opponent catch up to you
Customer support service by UserEcho
1 idea per week, and this is terrible -1
so are you saying you like runners
theres the spear and ropes for runners
i'd prefer not face BILBOOO when i don't want to lose my bones, thanks
Yeah, this would change the game completely, and not for the better.
This is bad,please no
It's not our fault you can't catch anyone so you end up with... phew, 3 bones? But it's not the reason to make do this idea because this will mean you will keep getting "Coward!" "Coward!" "Coward!" if you are somewhere alone with Ogres or on mountains, and if it's implemented, players will start to hug to themselves so 99% of map will be empty except one place where everyone are. Bonus! If you spawn on team which has clear of enemies spawnpoint, you will have to prepare for "Coward!" "Coward!" "Coward!". "Stupid idea!" "Stupid idea!"...
Why would we need this anyway?Sonner or later you will catch up to runners and make them screw up and die accidentaly or kill them by yourself.Range weapons,ropes,speed and stamina potions,they are especially gratefull in these situations.
just shut up you're the saltiest person I know, and plus, you wanted to delete the dash from wilds
Whoa take it easy man,it's just my opinion.And besides,I wanted new dash changes,not any of it's removal.Did you even see my topic?
Well,here it is since you didn't get my point:
He isn't salty....you are the one who is getting mad about a opinion XDD
stop triggering urself
Nah bro, not a good idea, cause it would be very very buggy (imagine lots of players together being pinned in a place because they moved a little away) plus this mechanic is quite useless, as other users said, there are ropes, grenades, knives, ranged weapons, haste and stamina potions etc which help you catch the runner
woah woah there thats pretty harsh. like everybody else said just use spear rope or a ranged weapon
do u remember the caltrop? yh maybe that would work
But runners make the game interesting ... Who would we blame for getting triggered at the game if this is implemented?!?? Mr. VoldoRAN away, you can yell coward at them all you want, but this idea doesn't make sense.
Many topics have been made m8 and I guarantee you that none have received positive feedback.
o-o 2/3rds of the people voted in favor of reducing movement speed when falling under a health threshold; it's not like the folks who play this game are in favor of immunity towards running away from engagements, the thrill of wilds is derived from your ability to win the engagements you engage in. If you've been engaged in a fight, settling it is the interesting part, allowing players to run away with most mechanics favoring countering, it's remarkably easy to play the game by just running away.
For some that's a nice and nifty play style, for folks like myself, I think that's a pretty big detriment towards growing the game and its player base.
Makes no sense. Archers like me would die in that situation, cause they're not used to close combat. Stupid as fuck.
Thats why you need to be resourcefull and use the bow in many different ways,you have better chance of survival that way.
I think you're stupid as fuck because you bumped this topic just to say your mind. chew on that Dziewc- whatever that idiotic name is I can't read it
Its mean girl
-1. This idea sucks. The point of the game is to fight and run. We already have items and weapons to catch up to runners, probably you're just bad at catching up to them (Everyone sucks at catching up lol).
look shut up all of you i get the point, but bumping this post will not help prove your point anymore so just stop
;_; Sheesh chill. I mean, we get your pain of all of the runners, but let us show our opinion and/or reaction.
Jeez,don't be salty.And btw,say for yourself when it comes to unneficient runner catching.I personaly think that bow is the best weapon to kill a runner,but with good aiming only.Also the ice staff is good for freezing them and buying you some time despite it's ice spell is slower and not quite reliable as fire arrow.
WELL....i mean...there is really no point....To me running is understandable , and especially if you're the king...Let's say you have 100 bones you are trying to kill as many players as possible...but if you get low you are not allowed to back off?? or to get away to regain health???...Rezoneer wouldn't imploment the running feature for it to anger the community , this game is about strategy if its to run...soo be it..accept it and move on....I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU ARE MAKING A FUZZ OUT OF NOTHING
YES it can be annoying but catch up with the runner , use different items , use bows...if what you said was implemented, the bow/staff players would disappear ( making the weapons nerfed)
What you are saying makes a HUGEE change in wilds.io
and some people don't mind as much as you...
-1 by me...
well thats actually a nice idea iam still confused about all the downvotes... but 20s sounds alot you know? taking dmg should reduce your stamia by a small amount so you wont run like nubs ;)
I hate runners, and the worst part is the runner is usualy the king. that does not want to be killed.
i think that there should be a mechanic where when someone engages you( meeles you in a certain radius) it creates a ring if you step outside the ring for a certain amount of time (4 seconds) the narrator says in a deep voice "coward!" and restricts you from running for about 20 seconds allowing your opponent catch up to you
What the fuck is this...
i honestly dont know and i already hate this dude
just downvote, really
What is going on with this dude?Anyway why he has Ukryty Vsauce profile pic?