
Arena Slowmotion

Mistodel 8 years ago updated by Rezak 8 years ago 14

When i play in arena game much slower (like after win but faster) then in fort mode. 

For me, it becomes more difficult to play. I dont know what is dis and i suggest this is bug



You are not wrong.

Fort speed is 100%
Arena speed is 90%

I will set both modes to 100% then.

i think you mean lag...?what is your ping ? if it's too high, i think that may be the problem


No dude its not ping, lag or something else. I have perfect ping without lags, even Rezak have same problem ;v


I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME. There's something different while playing in 1v1, and it throws me off quite a bit

It's like a more subtle slowdown than the fort upper levels

I've experienced this as well. It is best observable through special attacks like the claws.   +1

i like the idea, the last hit of the match becomes slow motion hit... nice

I would definetly prefer if it were the same as fort

i noticed it long time ago, and this is true. On pvp with unknown reason game works little slower and when someone use special with dash game lag for very short time, but enough for get dmg from this attack and you can't block it during this lag.


You are not wrong.

Fort speed is 100%
Arena speed is 90%

I will set both modes to 100% then.


I thought you'd never answer our prayers. .-.