My exprerience in Wilds.io
Hello everyone, in this post I'll share my experience in the game:
I played Wilds.io since the beta (or alpha I don't really know).
To me, when I'm in the Ruins, I see many types of players:
-Players (Or the whole server players) that have a focus on you because you have a lot of bones (exemple me when I have +250 bones),
-Players that because you killed him/her, he/she returns trying to kill you forever until you haven't die or he/she ragequits,
-Players that waiting you kill someone then he/she stole the bones,
-Players that attacking you when you're collecting your gold (When I haven't time to play a lot,I just want my daily gold),
-Players that insults you because you killed him/her or because he/she killed you,
-Cross-Teamers (He said everytime, everywhere,in every moments : "TEAM" because you're strong),
-The New Player when he saw someone he only (spam) use attacks/ charged attack despite the nerf. Also when you killed the New Player with the block-attack he will say: "HACKER" / "CHEATER"
(In my experience, in Arena, I met a player with an axe in the old Wilds.io I got the sword (old version quite expensive and OverPowered) and when I killed the player, he said:"FUCKING PAYERS!"
NB:At this moment the icons haven't been added so I can't prove my innocence),
-Finally this players that had bought the wand/bow and he/she spam the charged attack and when you're attacking him/her, he/she just run away. .With the new mirage potion, it becomes more OP because you just have to stack your clones and shoot. With some players to protect you and you're nearly invincible.
Conclusion (In my opinion) :
a scoring system with ranks in
the differents gamemodes are good.
There are more challenges (Like players in arena or followers/fans ).
But I prefer the kills rank to bones rank.
There are more players everyday.
The updates are fair (Sword nerf, Ice Staff nerf, adding relief...)
With the great community of Wilds.io , players/users, we could help you Rezoner like bug reports/discovered, the developpement of the game, volunteers to test the new stuff...
Despite some minor players problem, I can just say I like this game.
So how about you ? Tell me your experience in this game!
Little Q&A.
For the people that ask to me "How do you have so many gold?" or "Payers!"
My answer is : do not spend your money because you want to play like him/her and keep it :
My gold before the new update with Tribes, Claws, Spears, etc.
I just economized my gold:
200 gold per day
I know bronze coins wort :3, silver worth 2 and gold worth 3
So with the shops I threw the items in the gold trader shop, I killed players or I opened chests Everyday!
If you have questions you can ask me in the comments I'll maybe answer you in reply if I have time.
Have fun.
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The community is something you really cant fix. Giving less things for them to rage quit about just ruins the gameplay for the people that come back to the game (the people that really matter) so I agree with you that all the nerfs are worth it, although I am not really sure what you are trying to get at with the rest of the post.
My question is simple : "What do you think about the game's evolution and its community"?
You can't fix community but you can set the style of gameplay that translates into the behavior of the players in the game, and also to some extent on the community.

Whaaaaaaat?? :DOops I wrote too quickly ^^
Bronze coin worth 1. Sorry for the error and thanks for showing me.
np ;)
Well something about me:
I started playing a week after releasing the game but I did not play as often as the beta version. You can say that I am in the wilds from the beginning. In old times i had nick "Skormer" but i'll changed it for my current while it was still desert.
I think we have one of the better community in games because most people respect others, but also you can find exceptions which are inevitable. But it is generally good. What I've noticed lately is a slight deterioration and I think the two factors responsible for this are:
Bones for longer period of time and last added mirage potion and hook. Bones made people become somewhat skimpchy and would do anything to get as many bones as possible, even trying to kill teammates (for example, using a hook to attract allies on spikes).
The guilds have also introduced some divisions, but in this case rather it is quiet and I did not notice any big community changes. I can say now people more team working what is good.
Well generally our community is holding up pretty well but there are some things that need to be improved because sometimes the players are unnecessarily irritating. This is my opinion about it. If you have questions say it freely.
I agree.
A teammate tried to hook me across spikes just a little while ago xD. It's true that many players do everything for many bones. Same with me, I usually hunt the King to get bones. I am brainstorming right now, but maybe a solution could be more team-based and more strategy-based gameplay. Like the Brutal Football in the early days.
I 100% agree with the fleeing comment.
ok je crois que j'y suis arrivé praetorian :p, bon ma question est simple: c'est quoi cette histoire de "slatter" quand on block avec claws.
C'est le fait de foncer, tu appuies deux fois sur une touche directionnelle il y a 5 secondes de rechargement.
En plus il y a un guide dans le forum tu peux aller chercher ou aider la communauté : http://wilds.userecho.com/topics/2048-guides/
I think in general, the community is quite good, we have discord groups (Vigilantes, Training Camp etc.), and players are engaged and eager to help the game grow.
But it can always be better. I don't have any solutions I've been thinking on, but as I wrote in one of the comments above, maybe more strategy-based gameplay could be nice. Gameplay where you have to rely on your teammates more, or something. I could be totally wrong, but I think this was nice in Brutal Football before, when the whole team got points for winning together.
Je suppose que tu fais référence au shield dash... . Je crois qu'on c'est mal compris mais merci quand même ;)
Cool? I dont know what the point of this was to be honest.
Really true ...he just said his thinking of the game on forum...im just confusdd why i read this stuff