
Seva the general of ideas is come! and ready to narrate

Seva Kotletki S Pureschkoy 8 years ago updated by Moms Spaghetti 7 years ago 7

But! for this idea need to make my blood amount idea for more epic. Ok lets go= what about Glory kills! ( i take this idea from DOOM 4) ok you have a chance to not to kill the enemy and stun him and you need to press midle mouse *not whell up or down PRESS!* and you make glory kill. I thing this G.k =you take the opponent by the neck and almost crashing his head against the wall. Glory kill number 2= when you with axe you just smashing his head your axe before not only his feet remain. when you have sword this glory kill is be other =you cut off enemie hands and head. when hammer=you just turning your enemie in force meat!. (Bonus for more brutality corpses of killed will not disappear when the enemy is resurrected and after 30 seconds) END OF IDEA