Your comments

Yeah, thats right - and i dont see a problem with it, atleats players are motivated to keep playing. But I point at the fact that with "your current rank" are also decreasing the points necessary to gain better rank.

So, I managed to film the whole match of soccer..

you can see there that:

  1. bots have players names
  2. bots are without flags
  3. they will not ressurect when killed - or when you score
  4. At the 40s of the video, the bot have a grenade from the begging of the round 

I would say that the reason why there are confused bots in soccer is the number 2, I joined soccer throught waiting in lobby (dont playing, just watching the timey thing rotating) but others, who plays the "time saving" game wont be able to join it. So even if there were enough players to start the game, only 1 - 3 will actually join and the others are unressurectionable bots (sometimes even with names of the players - but without flag)