Your comments

'knock the other guy over, then try to guess what he'll do when he gets up,'

I think you meant knock other guy over, get to left/right side of his avatar so he can't kick you and keep rollin rollin rollin. ;P

Being able to bypass cutting doors by dashing, charging(since charge nerf) and quickjumping is known issue.

Sandworms and cutting doors not killing you when you have bunch of bones too.

This is when daggers come into play which are easily obtainable in ruins. Solo should be hard when you rush bunch of enemies at same time, pick them one by one or switch targets when they don't expect that, use environmental hazards in your advantage etc.

If they have number advantage theyre likely to chase you, use that in your advantage too. And don't say you don't want to fler, first days after charge nerf you happily did this almost whole time(And complained on chat when I started returning favor to you :>)...

You go no team so you don't have to share bones with anyone. If you let enemy flank you then you obviously will be at disadvantage, teamwork should be rewarded, silly moves should be punished by enemy if they react fast enough.. You trade that possibility of teamwork for possibility of getting bones faster or bigger challenge.

It is up to Rezoner if he want wilds to reward teamwork or let players be one man armies that can be deflecting axe blow from behind them with fart that stuns enemy while they shield front I guess. :P

Aww, i had so much fun dashing behind enemy and stabbling him 1-2 times... If you get left spammed then why not simply block and overkill with mine? You can also simply not run right in-between them or teamwork with your team.

Maybe go deeper and do something closer to DOTA/LOL ancestor - Future Cop:LAPD? Of couse I do not mean tanks, jetchoppers or Sky Captain in wilds. :P

Minions would be bought with bones which could have 3 colors, 1 per team which have no value for you but do for enemies and normal worthy to both teams.

Instead of neutral turrets there would be neautral guardians, converting them would add bone to spend or drop it like when you get 25% of killed player bones. Minions could be bought in base or purchased camp but at higher price etc.

If you decide not to work towards mode where you upgrade yourself but still want create moba-like mode then this could be it!

It depends on your aim and movement a lot, practice is best way to learn it.

Ruins = Bones with you collected in your career.

1v1/3v3 = Arena rank, victory or loss changes it by 10.

CTF = Flags captured.

Soccer = Goals scored.

To be honest I had best score with... sledgehammer! Sure sword is best for farming bones on noobs and newbs, but it is possible to do similiar with sledge and have great tempo advantage when retreating. If you can't fight and win then lure enemies into his enemies, usually your team if you picked one. I haven't touched Axe since long time, but it was cool for some mine combos... which I have kinda forgotten already. ^^

Well, this will be poweful basic attack buff, 100% yes. Also slight buff to Sledgehammer.