PSA: stop complaining about being teamed up on, stop complaining about the new block.
I understand that this topic has cropped up since the blocking mechanic change, and a lot of people are frustrated. However, I am firmly convinced that the blocking changes are sound, and that people need to stop taking the easy way out (crying to Rezoner to lower the skillcap) when they get ganked in Wilds.
First, I see a lot of players complaining that the king's life is harder. I don't mean to brag, but i'm either king or top three a lot of the time, and personally, I love the new changes. I feel it's much more lively and compelling to play the game when there's a benefit to coordinating with your team or employing tactical awareness.
I feel like it's a much-needed nerf to bock (block is undoubtedly the best move in the standard moveset), and I feel like it introduces a fluidity to the combat of Wilds that we haven't seen in a loooong time. For a while, wilds combat was reduced to 'knock the other guy over, then try to guess what he'll do when he gets up,' which is an incredibly unintuitive fighting style. The block change is a breath of fresh air and a temporary escape from the stale rock-paper-scissors guessing game. For the first time in a long time, positioning matters, and movement systems matter. That's a big change for the better.
---------------------REALITY CHECK: YOU SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO WIN A 3V1---------------------
Bottom line: Instead of whining to Rezoner that you can't win a 3v1 because of his 'broken' block change, actually try to stimulate a brain cell every once in a while and think critically about the situation. I can take apart groups by myself, and I wouldn't consider myself an elite fighter. It's called awareness, tactical decision making, positioning and maneuverability, and KNOWING WHEN TO DISENGAGE.
Customer support service by UserEcho
'knock the other guy over, then try to guess what he'll do when he gets up,'
I think you meant knock other guy over, get to left/right side of his avatar so he can't kick you and keep rollin rollin rollin. ;P
"keep rollin rollin rollin" do i smell a reference? xDD
Well, then he'd jump or just attack, as the attack hitbox is wide enough that you'd still take 2 damage for every one damage that he takes.