Your comments

There are mostly turks,germans and not many balkan players,there are balkan players,but not many

mid game changing weapons is not good,but during respawn yes,so you can play on the same server as your friends and not lose the server when you go to change your weapon

We can wait a month for something to be fixed,if it gets fixed we can wait as long as it needs

You want us to like a bad idea and if we dont we are haters,the idea is stupid

It would be nice to switch weapons,when i play with some friends i go get the bow and im in another server,when you die you should be able to switch weapons

claws will be aded,it is basicaly a berserker

it hapens a LOT,i somehow start going left,i hold the button to go left and it is fixed,this is a very annoying bug

They will get used to the OP weapons and when they get taken away,they will stop playing and say its hard

There arent many balkan players,maybe i can help spread the word of