Your comments
i dont think 5 players each is a good idea the point of this mode is to make a big war like many players attacking each other
ok if your attacked you stop pushing ok? then you kill the attacker or mayby get killed after you kill him
you continue on what your trying to do if you make defence wall the oppenment can jumb throw it and kill you thats fine its not like adding this function is to never get killed agin cuz thats what i mostly understand"why adding this function you will get killed anyways" yes thats the point of the game get killed/kill can push rocks you can do some things and some people might find some tricks :D
i dont get exactly what you mean but thats the point of the thing is to make it harder and yes they can attack when your pushing but you dont have to keep pushing it's not like you'r gonna push with hands your just gonna walk/move on it&it will be pushed
hahahah lol its not like you give him money he works faster... you give him money he hires people that helps him with the script .... so he needs money to hire them
also i forgot to ad if another player is pushing the bigger player pushes it and if there is to many rocks you can destroy them with the slash
if a player is in the way it depends how big he is if he is bigger he can push it
i think when you respown you should have a sheild or 3sc
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i dont think 10 players each is a good idea the point of this mode is to make a big war like many players attacking each other