Under review
I dont like new pit fall animation!
Hello Rezoner your update is cool but this worm from hole make SPARTA!!111111 slughty BAD. IDEA=bring on old fall animation and make WORM PIT
Customer support service by UserEcho
I think we need to vote reverting it back to previous state :)
please make first fall animation
Ok grand Poland game maker Rezoner!
And Rezoner do you see my other ideas? I SO LOVE YOUR GAME YOU ARE DADDY IN IO GAME DEVELOPING #Rezonernumberone1111
And i have over 8763 ideas!
Rezoner this so so so so so so so so so new post and not have votes.
Yay one vote!
Seriously man, stop spamming. :)
I personally don't have a preference to either animation, they're both just fine.
Delete a sand worm while a player fall to the hole or repleace it with a same animation as be killed by bear.