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ola sou brasileiro meu nome na conta e Jones eu jogo esse jogo a 7 dias voce pode mim da a conta official ?

Im not a streamer but i record wilds.io because its rlly fun and i want viewers to be happy im making a gameplay on ths and i dont want to let my viwewers down

Closing the thread - no youtuber have been intersted in recording the game since ages.

Why does no one want to record the game.
It is fun and engaging! However I see very less videos on wilds.io gameplay.
This is confusing as wilds.io is just as good if not better than games like agar.io and diep.io!
Maybe you just need more publicity.

I don't really know, I also find it more engaging than other IO games, but also it's a hard game. Maybe if players asked youtubers in comments to play wilds.io it would help.

I see one problem. Youtubers, when recording game expect good viewership. for gain more attention content should include good gameplay, and would be funny what attracts the viewer's attention and does not bore viewers.
But most youtubers just don't know how play in this game and don't know what mechanics this game have (what we can noticed in gameplay which post Phoenix killer).
I think this is reason why youtubers don't record this game. They don't know how play in this game and without this they can't make good and Interesting content.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Closing the thread - no youtuber have been intersted in recording the game since ages.