
Runners İn Arena...!

Gizli Kalmalı (dElİd0lU) 8 years ago updated by Seal (Im still alivee) 8 years ago 17

I was enter arena... And I find a opponent but he was a RUNNER!!!

And arena map was so big! He always runned. İf I kill he , he says " noob"

Damn man noob is you! Please not do arena maps for runners!


english some learn to have you.

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you cant criticise his english since your's isnt perfect either

My English is not what I need to talk about here! What I need to talk or vote for is what I wrote!
Don't be shy because you're using the google translator

That's just savage.

yes I'm using google translator.

Just play a ranged weapon, weapons don´t matter (HAHAHAH) only skill does.


i fucking hate archers in arena

Yeah... my opinion is that there shouldn't be ranged weapons in the arena. People can just spam shoot while running, and if they are skilled or get lucky a few times the chaser is doomed.

The problem is that I don't think there is a good solution to this. There will always be chasers, there will always be runners, and people just have to learn to deal with it. The way wilds is right now, there is no simple solution.

My suggestion is to exercise so you can chase people faster xD

In my case,no need for that since I play with bow.

Seal is object of global hate for runners!

What do you mean by that?

Most people hate archers in this game - that's because they don't know how to fight against archers ^^

True that,I play just cuz' I can beat opponents without taking any damage,and also don't wanna risk tetanus,hepatitis and tifus in dirty and bloody rusty blade so,this seemed legit from moment they were added.