
will it be a game mode?

berserkerIL 7 years ago updated by issa04 7 years ago 23
Youtube video

i saw this video and i want to know

is the shadows attacking the fort will be a game mode

if it will i think it would be awesome

Well,everything's up to Rez's decision and agreement of others.

So we have to await Rez's answer, then.

graveyard mode

BTW Brai recorded this video

if you read that youtube vid title, it should give it away

Lol, no, this is the trailer for the movie brai's making about wilds. The shadows are spawned by egzekutor, and the rain is just a gif. It's not something rez is considering adding to the game

are you sure?

Yes I am sure. See the player with the hood and hammer and no cape? That's me. ._.


His gameplay in videos runs so fricking good.Now I know what I'm missing.

I want this to be an actual game mode , The Movie trailer is amazing ! Good directing and acting XD . The scenes really feel like a movie , Brai and the others did a brilliant job ! 

I feel Rezoner hasn't been that active lately ... But I really want this to be a game mode , The first PvE Coop in Wilds.io !


It can be nice... But too much caos and it will be too much easy to collect bones.

But we need more upvotes if we want that it become a new game mode.

so the shadows would not give bones

the caos can be nice, it seems fun to try to survive in this caos

However seem good.


nah I'm just not feeling it on this one 


It would be better if it was humans attacking the fort or goblins like a lot of goblins

no agree 

shadows attack the fort could be a awsome co op mode


Yea though you can end up with some baby d*cks who will only slow down others with very little base knowledge which is awfull.


Rudolf and Dori are enough.


Khh..you can have them,I don't need help from those.

Yeah, when we filmed the trailer and killed all the shadows, there were hundreds of bones lying everywhere. They probably shouldn't be able to do that