Browars and Arena INVISIBLE BUG ---- PICTURES?
Hello everybody
Im creating a new topic about something really well known, just in order to see if at least it is taken into consideration.
If you jump after win but before the respawn you are invisible until you die in the next battle.
- Please, could we fix it or at least "ban" or "punish" people who do it?
- Maybe we could start posting in this topic, the pics of people who do this shit.
Thank you.
Customer support service by UserEcho
It strikes a nerve every time I see someone glitch out like that.
I wonder if Rez could come up a way for the game to detect if the player is invisible, then depending on whether or not the player is invisible they would be kicked.. Or just fix the glitch.
I have a solution: Don't make bodies invisible when they die.
Yes I think people who do this glitch on purpose should be punished, but I have seen situations where people accidentally activated the glitch. If someone were to report someone who accidentally do the glitch, how would we prove who accidentally does the glitch and those who do the glitch on purpose?
Yeah, having a reporting system would be unfair to people who accidentally do the glitch. I feel like the only solution is a fix.
yes, you right, but maybe we can push it forward a bit in order to fix it.