Under review

Where are the arrows kept?

GOD Akuma No Hakaijin 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 12

The character with the bow draws the arrows out of the air ... 

I would like to put the bow behind your back and put on a cap where you can keep your arrows. But I think if you put on the cap and you have the cape fitted it would look awful. Then I have an idea that the cap is bought in the store what would make the cap if you do not wear the bow equipped it would be that every now and then you get a dagger since it looks a lot like the arrow. But if not simply that when you put the cap is fence the cape.

I did not know how to do the design with paint. A yes that basically and put what would be the mold. This would have to be decomposed into pixels and other colors.

Thank you for your attention.

It would be a nice touch to the game to add a quiver. +1


only problem is that it would mess up with a cape on

Arrows are behind your pants

Quiver could be covered by cape maybe.

With arrows peeking out and when moving and jumping,being able to seebwhole quiver.

Good idea, and fit to the game. +1

I like this because without it, it looks like the archer opens an invisible portal to who knows where and grabs an arrow.

Under review

I won't lie - there are so many game changing features to add that cosmetics is probably the last thing I want to touch right now :)