
Rope + Bomb "issue"

Disguised 8 years ago updated by lordxalasa 8 years ago 18

Basically, a lot of players were raging because they were getting rekt by people using bombs and rope at the same time, naturally I don't think it's that big of an issue, and this is why.

(By the way, I'm making a separate post because the comments section got a bit wild. No pun intended.)

1. Catching someone with a rope is not that easy at a longer distance, and considering they only have one shot at it, it sound like a fair deal to me.

2. As legion said, I may be a little above average but I still don't quite understand what is so difficult about dodging rope. I mean you can block with a shield, you can roll and dash randomly in different directions, though I admit it can be a bit annoying if someone is after you constantly.

3. I have tried the trick and honestly, maybe I am just not good at it or something but I don't find it all that easy once the person knows what you are up to. Catching them off guard works for the first (if you actually manage to hit them with the rope) and second time (maybe if you're lucky), but once they figures out what you are up to, it's not that easy (not like it was to begin with).

and my final reason is that, why don't you abuse the rope/ bomb method of killing? After all you can make people who piss you off, angry with the exact same method they used to kill you.

Despite all of the things mentioned above, I still feel bad for noobs who have just started the game and *cough* have not learned how to play yet. As someone mentioned in the previous post, keeping players in game is the most important part of being on this forum. 

We all want wilds.io to be a well known game and there is nothing worse than joining a game and being instantly rekt. Even though I don't see the rope/bomb trick being used very often while I play wilds, so I don't think it's that big of an issue.

I can understand why people are raging, however I cannot fully agree with them regarding the nerfing of ropes/ bombs because I simply do not see this as that big of an issue.

Here you go, a cookie for reading this where you could have been doing more fun things like watching Youtube.

Hopefully those people who were annoyed with me calling them noobs will now understand here I am coming from.


Not meant to be under ideas btw, honestly dunno what it is supposed to be under...

I never said I was rekt by the combo but I agree that the combo should be nerfed because like what Legion said: Anything too overpowered should be nerfed like what every other successful game has done to improve. You may think that a high risk high reward should be kept but do you have any idea of what would happen if everyone spammed this combo? Think about all the new players that would be coming to this game and they get rekt by the rope/bomb combo. Do you think that they will stay? Absolutely NOT. This combo in fact was never intended by Rezoner in fact. Players actually found out about this combo (I was there) and the players' names were El Lobito and Raa RaQ. So really anything that is overpowered and not intended by the developers (Rezoner) should be nerfed because it ruins the game experience. You are really short-minded in my perspective (Who thinks about only himself and just tells players to deal with it).

You are running out of ground m8. just give in and accept the fact that the Rope/Mine combo should be nerfed.

Dude, you wrote "Think about all the new players that would be coming to this game and they get rekt by the rope/bomb combo". Have you even read what I wrote: "I do not see people using it every often (if at all)".

What does that mean? It means it's not an issue to new players. It is easier to hit someone 4 times with a damn axe then run back and forth looking for mines and ropes just to end with failure. Not efficient in killing.

People will get bored of it eventually. 

As mentioned by me, it is not an easy thing to do and also requires preparation. So I seriously doubt noobs will be spamming ropes and bombs any time soon. 

You don't need to tell me who invented the f*cking combo, I couldn't care less. 

Your statement is false about not many players using the rope/Mine trick because I've seen players WITHOUT ACCOUNTS abuse this combo. Also, my point still stands and just because YOU don't see it as much doesn't mean it isn't a problem. Also you must base your argument on multiple people's experience before you can finally make any conclusions because otherwise it's just one person giving a indirect insight on this issue and you wouldn't be able to fully grasp what the general player base experiences.


Also, what happens when new players do stay? SIMPLE: they abuse the combo like every other abuser that has used the combo on them and this would only promote a negative feel for the game.

I dunno why I'm even arguing, it doesn't make a difference to me whether it gets nerfed or not. I don't use ropes or bombs. I mean if it will make the game better then sure, I mean it won't make the game worse by nerfing the rope or the bombs..



Zoom in 300% to this text, and then you should see it. I needed magnifying glasses for it.

Why stop there, if you're going to go 300%, might as well go 500% XD

I can't. Mozilla allows me only 30% to 300%.


Hey man chill. Legion isn't complaining about the combo. He's complaining about how someone spammed it at him.  Understand how that can be annoying? Personally, I love that combo. It's funny af when you do it to the king XD

I just died with 130 levels to a guy who killed me with the bomb/ rope trick, I wasn't even a little bit angry.

I just felt like things should be nerfed because someone is sour about losing.

Alright m8 look. We don't have to have a problem here alright? It's not easy to dodge when the person doing switches names. How do you know when it's going to happen or who it's going to come from? If it were the same person doing it, it would be easy to dodge, I see your point there. But the person doing it won't stop for any reason. There's no way to stop him from abusing this without nerfing the entire combo as a whole. He won't stop if you ask him, or if you chase him, or if he kills you, or if I switch games, he keeps coming back and trying again. Nerfing this combo is a fool proof way to make sure he doesn't do it again.

Look I know we had our differences and all, but lets have a calm conversation. I wanna see what your point really is here.

Yeah, dodging it is not always easy, I have to agree with you on that. I think this problem just blew up more than it should have. I don't have a problem with nerfing the bombs or the rope. 

Honestly you don't seem like a bad guy and I don't really want to argue with you.

Also I thought dodging would be a bit easier, I might have underestimated people who are good at it, because I kind of suck at roping people in, and when I do they always just walk away from the bomb.

Alright looks like we've reached a mutual agreement here. We can still 1v1 if you want to but it's no longer necessary.

you still got hp potions too resist

when having hp potions it inventory it will auto heal in case of death

some people will think its hack bueueue

Now talking about a score THAT high, i lost my highscore to a clickspamming canadian.

Dont touch rope-bomb! Its the last way to stop runners. If u die like that its ur mistake. I never seen ppl who use rope-bomb everytime.