Under review

This game is going downhill. Here is a suggestion

Lord Karma 8 years ago updated by I EAT RULES FOR BREAKFAST 8 years ago 19

 Basically my suggestion is to put the game back to how it was a couple months ago right before bones were added. Yep. 

Bones are not the issue here. 

yeah I know but I feel like the game was good before it ye know 

Bones are the issue for me anyway

Again topic like this. Rez told it already, he don't change game for this from beta, cuz more players playing in current wilds than old one.

Under review

Try mechar.io - I want to replace bones and coins with how it works there


you can make it in server like that, but the bones for tribes and scores still can be the same right?

It's not the game. You are going downhill, not wilds. It's not its' fault!

I disagree. I like the game just how it is now, and the way we can earn bones to increase our score. Changes happen, and that is what keeps the game more interesting.

we gat hater on camera lol

BILBOOOOOO!!!!! Marketplace was one of the best changes ever in the history of Wilds.io!! If only Rezoner made a change that put Marketplace back in the game!!!!

Before october 2016 is what players refer to as "Old wilds" when there was no shop, tilesets but there was desert and berserker hero.

Because he had a perk

I mean around January 

Berserker (Lizard) was the reason the general player base count fell... cause it was too O.P. Patrons literally plowed us down like wheat.




Seriously, marketplace was the reason the player base picked itself up from the oppression from the Berserker a.k.a. *cough* Patrons *cough*.


I really loved the first ruins map with the courtyard and the parkour to get to the treasure box. It was just a great area to play in, better than the map right now. I do really like all the mechanics and shops/fort stuff that's in-game right now, but that map was the best in my opinion.