Under review

Custom Team/ Party

Disguised 8 years ago updated by Brai 7 years ago 15

There is the Brown and Silver team, as well as a solo option. I find it a bit awkward when I play but try not to attack my friends. I'm not exactly sure how much effort would go into creating a custom team option where the party leader invites players to join and everyone except the players in the party can be killed. 

Its not exactly necessary but it would also be nice to further develop the idea and make an a thing where the party leader can choose who can invite players into the party. 

However sometimes I like to spar with my friends and instead of leaving the party there could be an option where the player can decide if they want to be attacked by party members (really stretching the it now, but its only an idea).

I would be really happy with the simple design that would prevent me from attacking my friends and vice versa. 


Just tell your friends to join gray or brown


But I want to kill everyone else but my friends...


Yeah, It's kinda annoying when you die to a friend accidentally...

Under review

I was thinking of doing that for survival mode.

you mean like hell mode? hehe



What if you would hover your cursor over a renegade and press a button,when you do that you will not be able to attack him until you hover over him and press a button.If 2 players want to play and not kill eachother they both have to hover over the other player and press a button.The default button could be G because you wont acidentaly press it and leave your friends

Basically this is very similar idea to my idea, about possibility of create gang in game. So i like it.

Check my post if you want.


this can really help on tribe hunting, your tribe and or friends join a custom team. and kill everybody in the server. and you can just have a little thing with names that you can kick out of the party, just l... like... mooomooo... damn

with teams of elite players I think we would have to bring back noob servers. You will slaughter through new players scaring them of the game for good

Yeah that is kind of an issue already, some noobs don't even land a hit before they die. 

I have an idea here, a small one since I cant post another one this week.

What if there would be a way to attract players to kill more experienced players instead of noobs. 

For example if I player has gathered 1000 bones they will drop an extra bone when they die.

Then at 2000 bones they will drop an extra coin or something.

Or instead have a new stat called Fame, so that when you kill someone with more bones and score you get higher fame, and if you die to a low level player you loose fame. Since I'm driven by becoming "the best", fame would not only keep me playing but also might keep others playing.

Those are only the basic ideas and have a lot of flaws in them, but hopefully they will help at least a little bit.

Please, don't call them noobs. It's newbies.

ELITE clan people is fighting against themselves, so this topic is for them BAD. :D

well yeah but actually some noobs get in the way and end up dying with out even being a target

if you actually put the gang thing, then i am ok with noob server so people can actually learn how to play before being scared of other players.... you dont want to fight rezak on your first day on the game...