
Private Links still don't work on Kicked Tribe Members ! (Even on the latest update)

Hooded Black 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

I kicked a member in my tribe and he wants to join back , I agreed and gave him a private invitation link . however , the private link seems to not be working ..... He tried clicking it , copy&pasting it but still won't work

But it shows a notification at the menu when he copy&pastes it that says "Welcome to Black Solitude" . he checked if his in the tribe , but still not .. please help ~

thanks in advance .



Sorry bro, I was sleepy and  wrote:
if(port) ignoreKicked = true;
instead of
if(private) ignoreKicked = true;

Try now

do /recover_tribe


Sorry bro, I was sleepy and  wrote:
if(port) ignoreKicked = true;
instead of
if(private) ignoreKicked = true;

Try now

to late for me, warner its weird to encounter xD

Thanks Rezoner ! :) , I'll try , thank you for taking your time seeing through this post ~