
Invincible Hacker

Disguised 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 16

Sometimes a hacker pops up and it's a really a pain in the neck. Though it doesn't happen often, this time I actually caught one on video and I feel like he should be banned, because clearly someone stupid enough to hack with their original account doesn't deserve to keep it.


Youtube video

It's a bot (Pretty sure)

This may look like a bug. Texture did not load but good point.

It's kinda hard to tell. He didn't talk which is a sign of a bot...

At first when I saw him, he talked and was visible. I killed him and then he appeared like that :/


This is bugged bot. you can notice it when you try roll him, and he is not knocked down.

Better video than Brai (kaibutsu killer)´s

escuse me?

Saw it long ago, me and couple of players were trying to kite him to various deathtraps such as doors or hole. Even that didn't work on him.

What if he's playing with the hacked version of wilds.io?

wildsio.tk was working when wilds.io was only desert. Actually you still can go to this site, but game isn't loading on it. Its' advantage is you can see old menu of wilds.

Quantity of SEALS members drop out by 1. :D

2, cause I left recently as well. Hahaha c:
