A new weapon
Since the acha is the only weapon you can cut down trees I would like you to use another one. Because he finds in combat is not very good and the special movement either.
span class. Let the club be able to break doors and cut down trees, and let its movement be like that of the sword or different.
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Why would a club be able to break down trees? I think it would be better for knocking down the gate ;)
But it would be too op of a tool if it could do both
Lets add hoes next ;): Jk
Yes. And it should make you invincible, too. And collect bones ten times faster.
Why don't people realize where the road of "all advantages, no drawbacks" leads?
All right then well ive also been rooting for a spaghetti hat and meatball mage but did I go and post it on userecho even though I knew it wont get implemented? no