New update - general info/bugs
Hello, due to the fact that a lot of new things have been added, the discovery of all new bugs, problems or shortcomings takes time, but today I can write some info about new update:
(again i try put here all what i know about new bugs etc).
Charge attack in spear is pretty usual because this weapon have already good range. Maybe make little more dmg with charge is good idea.
2. grappling hook:
If you catch enemy/friend you can't pull him on the hill.
3. Axe, sword and hammer:
This weapons attack now with the same speed like spear and claws. I think this is bug.
5. Mirage potion:
This item at this moment is too strong and should be weakened. I think limiting clones to a maximum of one or two will not be stupid. At this moment it is possible to create a really big army
Also when you make clone in black team your clone can hurt you (he is like enemy)
Sometimes clones not disappear, but try to follow you from your death place.
Also clones is too strong because you can kill enemy with only two cuts when you and your clone attack exactly one person, what deal very fast so much dmg.
when you use potion sometimes your body is invisible. Sometimes also weapon disappear.
6. Arrow and knives projectiles:
First of all, avoiding them has become a nightmare, secondly, it looks awfully strange and unreal in my opinion. The usual trajectory of the missiles was very good.
Generally this update has added a lot of new mechanic and with time will come out which changes are good and which need to be improved.
Also, I have some suggestion for you Rez. Because now players will be busy inventing new tactics, getting used to new things and so on, maybe you would do general bug fixes? As you know, the fewer bugs they have, the better the game looks.
Regards, Egzekutor
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This post definetly needs a dev. tag put on it for pinned usage.
Hey Egzekutor, there's any place that I can PM you? like discord or something.
Yeah i am on discord quite often ;]
Mirage fix options:
1. clones time out
2. make mirage potion extremely rare
3. clones only have like 1-2 hp
I absolutely agree with you. In fact, in arena, we shouldn't have the duplicate potion at all because that is cheating in my opinion.
To be honest, the new mechanics of projectiles is a rape on physics ;)
I make one mistake in post. Axe and Hammer attack normally, but sword is now faster and deal less dmg.
oh, make a additional note that when you have clones and you get the bow from a chest, the clones will fire arrows as well, making this a bug.
Generally the new updates has made the game really funny to play. Really cool.
I don't like that thing of negative stamina though.
Especially when you see horde of clones with bows, and they all shooting arrows in your direction xD
1. Mirage potion spawn only on treasure chest, 1/10 chance
2. Clones limit: 2
3. If you die, your clone dies too.
Also! http://wilds.userecho.com/topics/2618-arena-bug-clones-respawn-after-rounds/
A bug in the arena! My post went pretty unnoticed so I'm posting it here so Rezoner can see it more easily.
I noticed one more thing. When you use special ability with axe and enemy block this attack, you are got stunned( the same effect when you use normal attack when enemy blocking)