Quality of life posts are being drowned out by spam proposals
Egzecutor and I have agreed that simple, high-quality fix posts, like the one I made about text color, are not being given a chance to be heard, despite being perfect and easy to add, because of the low-quality proposals that we're getting. I almost feel guilty bumping these posts repeatedly, because I know that's looked down on, but then I remember that i'm actually putting effort in to make the game environment better. I'm not writing 6 seconds on my 'NEW IDEA' that NEEDS TO BE ADDED because it would be SO COOL, i'm thinking about the small things that Rezoner doesn't need to spend lots of time on that would nonetheless increase the quality of life. For example, can we get more viable characters for our name? because my proper title is The E%patriate, but the pervent sign is invalid for some reason, so I have to settle with The Expatriate. Things like these that would take Rezoner 10 minutes to add or fix that would make the game significantly better, that is what the community needs to be focused on.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Forum really need someone for sorting this amount of posts, or make better posting system if this is possible. It's take too much time for one person respond to all posts and even create the game at the same time.
Well i think spams should be deleted to have more time for some quality posts...and i agree with blocking system...
And yeah he spelt your name wrong XD
No problem xD
Maybe we should move to reddit? It doesn't have as good flow regarding issues status, but the voting mechanics are better and we can see popular this week / month etc
If you are willing to move to reddit and respond to users I DEFINETELY WILL
Reddit would be better
i'am confused. Maybe reddit have better system, but amount of people is much less for wilds on reddit. I fear that many people can not accomodate this change and we lose many forum users who are is on userecho.
And it is possible to make some time in you block possibility to add posts? This gave to you time to respond to the posts which have some meaning, because in the last days you can found such posts, but were buried by spam.
Could you rephrase the second sentence? I am not sure what you mean :)
(Polish language alert xD )
Heh miałem na myśli czy jest mozliwosc aby zablokować na jakis czas dodawanie postów. Na forum w ostatnich trzech dniach mozna znaleźć niezle posty ale nawałnica pomysłów utrudnia odnalezienie ich. Choć by moj post na temat palisad czy gangów. To pozwoliło by Ci odpowiedzieć na pytania i propozycje bo niektórzy czuja sie niedocenieni kiedy nie dostają odpowiedzi. (
Kilka osob pisało do mnie priv na ten temat) Wiem ze jestes zajęty ale sam próbuje ile mogę uspokajać ludzi i odpowiadać na posty.