
In-game ranking visuals

Tawreos 8 years ago updated by Rezoner1337 8 years ago 5

In former wilds.io, the ingame score rank was clear about who were teams with you and who were not, by the simple fact of the background color of each players nickname. That is, if a nicknames background color was brown, player belonged to bears; grey backgrounds were wolves. With this, one could know several teaming information, for instance:

• You could know if king was of your team or not. If it was your king, you could guard; if it wasn't, you could try and battle for the crown.
• Once you knew if king was in your team, by looking to the position of allies and rivals, you could know if s/he needed any help or not (being surrounded and such.)
• You could also see if the top 3 or 5 in the ranks were all the same team or not.
• And other minor examples... all of them with one look into the scoring table.

Can you bring it back? Ty.





I have to agree that this was better:

I know this was 6 months ago, but I had the exact same idea, and I wanted this leaderboard back

Suuupeerr buuuuuuuuuuumpppppppppppp

we need taht

