Possible tips video in the game
A good idea that i feel is to put a tips video for each weapon. As some weapons have particular strategies.
Reasons why this feature should be implemented (by my personal opinion which is biased):
1. People can learn from this and I feel that its pretty easy to implement (my opinion)
2. I am not asking for new content as I am just asking for a mechanic in game that allows you to view strategies for weapons.
3. It is much needed as when even though there is the diarming mechanic noobs till spam aswell its more accesible.
I hope you agree with me and take this feature into consideration if you do agree with this feature leave a like. Aswell I can give some strategies for some weapons.
Customer support service by UserEcho
https://wilds.userecho.com/topics/2015-an-advanced-combat-guide-12917/ Aswell if we were to incorporate (im not surehow to spell that) these tips in to the game as videos it would help a lot. I kind of have a design or layout for these things in my mind ill try and see if i can make the layout.... Aswell its still fine if they are images but just explaining what to do.
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