
Wait lobby for ranked matchmaking

AbsolutePotato 8 years ago updated by Rezoner1337 8 years ago 9

Add something to do in the wait times while finding a match. Maybe just an arena with some goblins to fight



Ba dum tss, You have a chat now.

That sounds great. For the record, I really enjoy that there is no in-game communication. It removes the usual swearing and "I fucked your mom" comments - just white noise that detracts from the game. Would love it if this was kept.

Ah, missed the enter key

(As in, no in-lobby communication is great)

Under review

I think the idea of throwing you into a temporary game while you wait for the ranked one is a good idea.


it would be cool if the mini game was you as the berzerker killing a room full of goblins

WITH lions or bosses

I think this is a good idea too

awesome idea


Ba dum tss, You have a chat now.