
New weapon spear

RHAMOS16 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 32 2 duplicates

A long attack but only that a little slow your special is to load the attack and push the adiversario forward

Primary attack 1 damage

Secondary damage 2 damage

[R] throw the spear the further away you play the more damage vei give 2 to 3 damage
Duplicates 2

I meant the Opponent.

i didnt understood the secondary attack

but if you mean double range and half dmg im like it

The secondary attack and the power of the spear

That's what I meant too.

The idea is good, but I do not like loaded special attack. I think that a better solution will be just a quick rush to the front, as in the case of hammer, but on a smaller distance.

But this will serve to ward off the enemies if in case you are low on life


i think the special attack should be a charge attack that push enemies away (combination of sword and hummer) and dill 2 dmg normal attack would be double range and half dmg


That's what I wanted to say :D

That would be very good


The spear when thrown and more precise than the other weapons

The animation I made was simple because it was just to show more or less the spear thrust [R]


Awesome animation :D

My animation is simple but you got my idea


Why did you create a duplicate thread? You can just click on your name to see the threads that you've already created.

I clicked but it was not appearing I created the idea again

For me, my idea disappeared.

I do not know what happened

It went to the next page.

I tried all the pages and I did not find


My idea appeared


great idea

Hey RHAMOS16, I want to start doing animation, where do you think would be a good place to start?

With pivot 4 you can make great animations

Like this but I did not do it and just an example of what you can do

I tried downloading it, but my anti malware software deleted it, due to Ad-wear.

Try to download it on another site my pc did this too

But be careful with the websites May contain viruses

But this is not very recommendable.

Have you already tried to download pivot 4?

I meant pivot 3

I'm sorry - I am just having a hard time understanding why we need new weapons when we have other important issues to worry about. Things like bot management, glitched arena weapons, managing arena scoreboards, anti-spam filters, improving game modes. We should be managing old before we progress on. The progression on the new wand weapon is far more than enough to 'entertain' the players for a while - during this satisfaction time from the wand, things listed above could be changed and fixed before the ideals of a spear are remotely suggested.

I like these ideas I know that some things need to be corrected but you have to perseber that this idea will not work but even so there are people who like how you can see I'm not good at criticizing things for min the wilds.io ta boa And what motivated me was to buy all the weapons when I did not buy the sword I did not stop until I got the sword the game this he is not in the half yet but that is not the reason for you to criticize me of an idea that I wanted to share then Respect ok