
You Should add more maps like a Forest ect

ConTheKoala 8 years ago updated by Rezoner1337 8 years ago 8

i dont rly know if you make more maps.BTW the map we are playing right now is an arena?



Maybe not a forest - but you can finally enjoy some proper maps - http://beta.wilds.io


if you have any ideas just spit them on the comments :3


different maps is a great idea for the game!


stadiums for soccer mode


Island for deathmatch mode,so no one can escape the area.


I plan to buy a tileset like that one and implement 3 level of height

0 - space, void, water

1 - the normal ground you walk on

2 - the high ground

You can fall from higher to the lower ground level taking damage.

You can't hit heroes that are on different ground level than you.

if they plan to add more maps i sugest ad an expantion to the current on and set it up like an island whit as outer ring wather whit maby a big ass sea monster or somting that way it feels somwhat of an tiny open world then on the islan you can place bioms to fill it up whit each biome a specific type of elite monsters whit maby a big snow mountin in the midle :) whit a snow dragon elite:) anyway you can also make the elite monsters give a specific buff to your team for instins the current elite monster could give somting like stun or nockback increase sins from what if seen thats his style of play hope this post is helpfull thx for reading


Maybe not a forest - but you can finally enjoy some proper maps - http://beta.wilds.io