Your comments
heres a picture of a kitten to calm your potatoes
thats true]
developer I want you to be creative with the other moves, but it would be cool to add at least one of these mechanics to the mage!
Stun ability- Will stun a player for 2 seconds(Only reduces speed and blurs vision by 50%)
Will fire small lava stones, having an after affect(Fire) and dealing small area splash. Reload is pretty slow(2.3 seconds), and does not deal a lot of damage.
Health- More than a grunt, but reduced healing
Speed same speed as a Zerk.
Using the speed thing will make the mage fly slightly above ground and go faster(Of course he can still be hit while flying)
Bombs deal extra damage to the mage, and arrows(If archer is implemented) and knives can skillfully be dodged by perfectly aimed stones
Customer support service by UserEcho
Ok thanks for the feed back