
Emblems on shields

Rezak 7 years ago updated by Khargok Saitama 7 years ago 3

Hello Rezoner! I think it would be nice if the shields for 5k you can place the emblem, namely to choose between marks in statistics or a team logo in the game. I'm interested in more logos in the statistics since they appear only in the regimes themselves, and the statistics for murders nowher.

P.S. And as always, I hope you understand me ;)


I'm not a master in these matters, but it should looks like this.

Probably, this will be hard to do.

I mean that for each emblem, it will be reqiured to make a separate (!) set (!!!! :O) of spritesheets.

The current set for shield looks like this:

Yup, the whole set consists of 11 separate spritesheets! It is not so simple!

Of course, these sprites were generated in Blender (so it does not take as much time as drawing them pixel by pixel - actually, this is how tilesets are done, and that's why making tiles for mountains took me several long winter evenings). However, because there is a lot of ranks, it will probably take a lot of effort and time to make them.