
Non-patreon zerks?

Marez 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 2

Sometimes a zerk character, without a patreon icon (how is this possible?) and with a generic name (like a name given you randomly on character selection screen) spawns on a server, runs around attacking people and does not respawn (disconnects after it's been killed once).

Also, theese characters don't seem to be very smart - they don't play very good and often run into stones.

Are they bots, or devs testing something? Or are people playing zerk class just this stupid?

How are they playing zerk without being a patron?


I managed to take a picture. He commited suicide by repeatedly rolling himself into a stone.


To anyone wondering - characters without a flag (both zerks and grunts) are indeed bots, as I suspected.

I managed to dig out an old screenshot of wilds showing the same characters, but with "(bot)" after their names.