Under review

more power for the patreon sponsors! i give 10 usd per month for more stuff

Nick 9 years ago updated by Rezoner1337 9 years ago 1


Under review

Ahoy mate. This game is never going to be pay2win - I also cannot deliver beyond one human capabilities. It's been the first month the game is running so I spend most time fixing the bugs and I still have contract work to do.

If you are not happy with the game current state please lower your patronage to 1$ until it suits you to pay more :)

Under review

Ahoy mate. This game is never going to be pay2win - I also cannot deliver beyond one human capabilities. It's been the first month the game is running so I spend most time fixing the bugs and I still have contract work to do.

If you are not happy with the game current state please lower your patronage to 1$ until it suits you to pay more :)