Under review

Translate this game to another languages.

Amazing Guy 9 years ago updated by qweha 9 years ago 3

Dear Developers and Players!

Hello! I have an idea that help people from another countries. As you know, in this game a lot of foreigners. Some of them do not understand English language, for example russians. A lot of them write in translit, eg "Privet", "Poydem so mnoi", "Suka blyad rash B". That them, honestly, sometimes just annoying. As you grasp, i'm from Russia.

I hope that the Developers and Players are respect foreigners and that feature will be added in Wilds.io .

With love, Your Russian Friend.


And yes, my English is good or bad?

Under review

This is something I really want to do when everything is settled - as in I have most of the text in the right places (descriptions, menus etc) - then I want to put it on open translation as in - it's players who will translate the game if they care.