
Football own goal

Bryce 9 years ago updated by Sir Brutal 8 years ago 6

Own goals should be possible in football. I understand the goal of avoiding trolls, but a common strategy in defense is becoming to just shoot the ball through your own goal and out the back to avoid the other team hitting it which makes for a somewhat cheated feeling on behalf of the advancing team.



Ok, due to the overwheelming feedback I am going to revert it back :D

Under review

Ok I can give it a shot and see if that doesn't ruin the game too much :)


I think this is a bit dangerous, but it's worth a try.

No thank you.

There's something I don't particularly like of this rule: the unpleasing feeling everybody gets out of it. If your team gets autoscored-..well, that's annoying per se; but also if the other team autoscores: the challenge for your team is now reduced from 3 to 2 scores (1/3 is quite a lot.) Also, it makes the objective (3 scores) easier/faster to get, which is directly proportional to the match duration.
In other words, I think that allowing autoscoring is equivalent to allowing hurting other members of your own team with your attack: it's not optimal and an anti-teaming mechanic.
The challenge before this was implemented wasn't impossible to achieve (even considering that 'cheating' way to act described by Bryce), it was just harder (more fun, not worst) and definitely, for sure, made the match last longer, which is good in my opinion.
(Thanks R for everything, though. This game is awesome.)


Ok, due to the overwheelming feedback I am going to revert it back :D


I think that there should be in indecation of who's goal is who's. I get confused sometimes. lol