
New Game Modes !!!

shad7 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 3

New game modes: Domination 

(5v5 +)* and Monsters Hunters (3v3)

Domination (5v5+)*

Will look like the graveyard game mode that was deleted a few months ago. please sorry, I could not find anywhere the last map of the full graveyard mode = (.

Some similarities:

1. The map will be similar (last map of the cemetery, I call it labyrinth);

2. The middle of the map will be marked by the graveyard (spawning point of the shadows in the graveyard mode); 

3. When the game ends with a winner, all will die and the mode of domination will be restarted; you will not have spawn interval like in soccer mode.

Some differences:

1. the map will be symmetrical on the sides and with changes; 

2. the spawning point will be different: the gray will be born on the left side and the brown on the right side; 

3. Will have five conquest points on each side; 

4. In the middle (graveyard) will be concentrated more item generators, will also have other items elsewhere; 

5. you can see players behind the walls.

Information about the point of conquest:

This is just an example.

1. If the conquest point has both flags in the middle, like the image below, it will take 5 seconds to conquer it.

2. If the conquest point has the enemy's flag at the top,like the image below, it will take the drobe time, being 10 seconds.

3. If you are winning the conquest point and are knocked over or skipped, your team's flag will stop climbing until you stand again and you are still at the point of conquest.

Monster Hunters (3v3)

This game mode is about which team kills monsters faster without items. the brown and gray teams will be divided into two sides: left and right. the game ends when one of the teams wins three times first, the same in the arena and soccer modes.

On each side will have monsters and three players from the same team. The only goal is to kill the monsters (;-; sad face). So there is no conflict over the teams that attack the others, there will be a wall between the two sides, no one can cross the wall (or even use the special spear attack) or break it.

The wall will be as it is in this image, but it can be thicker.

One of the yetis (brown monster) of each side will give a mysterious box.


1. Time of this game mode: 10 minutes; 

2. Map size: the same height as the practice map, only larger on the sides; 

3. Team size: 3; 

4. Respawn time: 10 seconds;

5. Wave count: 3 waves;   

     5,1. First Wave: Three yetis (brown monster) on each side;    

     5,2. Second Wave: One ogre on each side;    

     5,3. Third Wave: Fifteen goblins on each side.

Questions and answers:

Q: Will there be any item generators on the map? A: No; 

Q: When the ogre will die, will he give coins? A: Yes; 

Q: Do the coins count in the coin counter? A: Yes, but they will not count if the coin counter is in the daily maximum limit;

 Coin Counter.

Q: When the Yeti (brown monster) dies, will he give items and the mysterious box? A: The yeti don't give items, but only one Yeti on each side will give the mysterious box.



Please leave your comment and your vote, it is very important :/


The first idea I like. The second one in okay, but should have more waves. Maybe a mix of monsters?