About the bow thing
Alright, I just need to know one thing. Recently, because the kick has been changed, everyone mostly complains about bow and ask to nerf its stats, but didn't before the kick got changed. I want to know why y'all want nerf for the bow when it's clearly just the kick the problem.
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I was thinking the same thing lmao. even Egzekutor has stated that: "Bow is not op, kick is broken"
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
'Mechanic' would be a better saying.. ;p
It's not a bug, it's a fea... mechanic. Happy?
Bow before the kick patch was a very solid weapon. Even if you could reflect the arrows up close, the bow man would just use shield to stagger you and deal more damage and then run away again, repeating this combo. This combo could not be countered in any effective way which is why people avoid attacking bow men altogether.
Besides, people get frustrated when you cannot get close to an enemy without taking damage and have that person run away again. This ain't skill. This is tyranny or in other words hit/run tactics with a already broken kick as well as them having a shield.
It just doesn't make for enjoyable gameplay.
Bow just is not fun to fight against. Even if the kick is restored I would still like it banned from arena.
just make a longer cooldown between shots