Tribe Member List !!! ( please read )
If you ever tried to check how many players your Tribe has , Then compare that number to the ones actually in the Members List , You'd sometimes notice that the Members List actually SHOWS LESS
A member of mine was bored and decided to count how many members we have on the Members List for entertainment purposes , He counted 140 , He re-counted that using a calculator , 4 Columns multiplied by number of rows , Then ,
He checked "Find Tribe" to know how many are actually there , There was over 182 . He told me about it , And I replied "Well, that doesn't make any sense" , Well , it actually doesn't make any sense . I tried to count as he did and the results were the same ...
140 in the "Members List" and 182 in "Find Tribe" . Please fix .
MEMBER SELECTION / KICK ( can only be noticed by Tribe Leaders / Owners )
IF you are a Tribe Leader , Please do go to your "Members List"
At the first row (top) , just click one of whoever you see , Then , scroll down
After that , choose another member , You'll notice that the "Kick" button will not be in the right place .
This makes it difficult for me to KICK members , I've gone around this problem by using the "Filter" instead then choosing which to kick , but some members are nameless , in other words , They are "unnamed(*insert number*)" .Which is why I have decided to Post this now .
I think Rezoner somehow messed up with the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) or something .
The Kick Button seem to behave at a fixed position . I suggest making it's position "relative" , maybe that'll help , I don't know ...
Respectfully Yours ,
Hooded Black .
Customer support service by UserEcho
dev's making maths into the game now
(not really)