
More Places where Spear can Vault to/over

Eldunari 7 years ago updated by THE_LORD_OF_FERRETS 7 years ago 9

Maybe spear can jump over these walls

Image 2513

And Shops

Image 2515

And for some reason spear can't vault over enemy fort doors

Image 2516


yeah the spear has limited uses in terms of its special. It can be helpful only at the fort, sandworm pit, and that platform near the bottom right corner


+1 for bug reports and idea


+1 for the dragon soul


Yea,the whole game's kinda buggy since also happened for my fire arrow not to pierce through enemy gate.


The current spear throw works like it seems to be thrown in a complete "horizontal" way which is similar to the Bow and Ice Wand , resulting to a non-realistic throw in which the spear cannot be thrown over certain objects . Wilds.io Physics have always been .... "interesting" . 

+1 for you mate 


I'm talking about the spear throw which is actually another topic ;-;


yeah it is, having the spear go above certain obstacles would be cool, but not as useful, since if you throw it a bit upwards it wont hit all the enemies on the way but only the one(s) where it lands


The throw is fine


Don't. Try. To. Jump. Over. Ogre.---------Please. During special Ogre catched me ("What?!" - me ^^) and threw me to mountain where was enemy king ("ahhhahahahahahahah *choke* *cough cough* hahahahahaha" - me)(I forgot about "^^" ^^) so I got some bones.