Earth Staff
I thought of what a staff without a lot of range would be, and I thought of a defensive yet still brutal weapon. (;=; might suck)
Well, the Earth Staff is a staff with the element earth. That's...it.
It's mostly a mid range weapon, without having any far range attacks (except throwing the weapon itself) or any close combat.
If you attack normally it just does the normal hitting animation, and does the same thing as an ice staff and a bow.
Charging the weapon takes about 1.5-2 seconds.
If you charge up the weapon, it'll charge up a rock of spire that does 1.5 damage (with or without the falling). Well, to make this as balanced or ok as possible, if you release the charge, it would show a crack on the ground where the spire would grow out of, and would show the crack for about .5-.8 seconds. Afterwards, the spire will rise. Also, the attack only works in a rather decent radius, so you can't snipe a spire from someone. This is so that the earth staff only works close by, but not like a normal melee weapon. The spire wouldn't be like a needle, but it would be like 1.5 characters wide.
Its special doesn't matter where your cursor is pointing at. If you use the special, it'll take 0.4-ish seconds to activate. (They'll be a sign that shows when the pillar will activate to the enemy, like a blowing wind around the staff user.) Once it activates, you'll get elevated with a rock pillar. You can use this to go to a higher mountain like a spear, but you can grab a teammate with you to go along with. You can run while doing this, and you'll still get elevated correctly. This could also be offensive, because the pillar also has spikes at its sides, so if you approach the Earth Staff user and he uses the special, a pillar would rise, and you would take .5-1 damage + fall knockback. You would have to jump off the pillar to get out, or wait because the pillar would go back to the ground in 3 seconds.
To make this weapon more unique (besides it being a staff itself :v) is that when you charge up your weapon, you can use shield after you charge to create a dirt wall in front of you. It disappears like a normal shield, but it can stop kicks and rolls (and does the falling damage), and other attacks whose hitboxes are very small. (Or any weapon that isn't the earth staff itself or a spear.) This will drain a little bit of energy, so you'll have to see if your stamina is high enough for the wall to activate, instead of the normal shield.
Also elevation doesn't matter. If it's in the radius, then the spire will go anywhere. (It may even be the way to hurt the worm under the ground ;))
Anyways thank you for taking the time to read this and go criticize this if you want. I may or may not care. Have a nice day.
Customer support service by UserEcho
this is lit
but it should be wand not staff
The spire is a little overpowered, it shouldn't do much damage. The crack should be there for maybe half to a full second, or the charge would be useless.
The special is nice, I like the idea of it elevating you and teammates, but it should only damage enemies a little. Would it be blockable?
Good idea though
Seems legit.+1 though special is too op.
How is it op? It just does .5-1 damage + fall, and the pillar disappears in a few seconds. There's also a period of time after you use the special where a crack shows on the ground where it'll grow out of, so you can easily get away quickly. (also hp for the players is 8 hp). It's just a rather different spear with the ability to let teammates go up on mountains as well (with a little bit of damage) I still appreciate the likes though, thank you for them. It helps me get encouraged to think up more ideas.
Ok,you got the point,though spire is gonna be to op if you're gonna have falling.
Hm I wonder about what a hammer's damage does. About 1/3 the enemies' health. Hm, I wonder what 1.5 damage is compared to other weapon damage. It's basically about the same damage as one sword slash. :l And with all the charging time and obvious crack signs, it'll be pretty normal at best.
(also bow is prob better than this.)
The special is a pillar with spikes that do .5-1 damage plus a fall. That's it. The enemy has 8 hp, and sword/hammer/claws/bow special could do 2. The spikes are basically one roll/kick damage. The spikes are only around the pillar, so it'll be only avoidable if you're quick about the large crack on the ground and move away from it.
Like I said in the previous comment, I appreciate the likes, but I just wanted to clarify some of them and I've rechecked my idea multiple times to make it as decent and balanced as I can think of.
Good judgement,though I clearly see it won't take much energy to deal with them.I wouldn't mind if damage will be higher on spikes.
So like a "sniping" spire that does high damage while being slightly easy to avoid?
I agree that higher damage will make the slightly easy-to-avoid spires more worth to use, but I did mention that the spire could make you fall if it makes contact, so the falling might help with its slightly weak attack.
Also, the spire can only be dodged (well to make it decent), so you can't block, kick, jump, or roll into it to not get damage from it.
Well, this is just an idea, so these are just thoughts on a unique weapon that I want to type about in the forums and I thought would be interesting.
Yea it makes sense.Spire needs more damage.