
Editable AI in practice mode.

RedDeadX 7 years ago updated by Celebrimbor 7 years ago 20

As of right now you cant practice much against specific threats in practice mode. Say you have trouble fighting ranged weapons. If practice mode allowed you to spawn in AI with weapons of your choice, you could practice more on your weak points. Need more help countering a certain move? Having the ability to edit what the AI opponent can do can allow you to practice what you are not good at. New to the game? Having the ability to turn down or up the difficulty of the practice AI could allow you to practice at your skill level. If these features were added then practicing the game could be much easier. You could even spawn multiple AI to practice against teaming

What do you think?


Oh yea,this would be good asset for better training and skill improvement.Anyway,this won't be such easy task to do and implement,but seems legit so +1.

I think some of the AI is already in the tutorial mode. When it tasks the user to block attacks the AI will only attack you with a basic attack. same with rolling, the AI will only block. Looks like Rezoner has part of this implemented, but as of now we as users cannot control such AI.


this is a nice idea +1


i would like to have practice mode be more of a sandbox, where you can spawn yetis/ogres, spawn items, and stuff like that, or if you are hosting a room with more than 1 person in it, you can have a settings option where you can turn off stuff like that


Yes, but Ogres and yetis shouldn't drop anything in sandbox mode, or shopkeeper Ally would be rich.

Wow. My first Idea is really picking up steam. Thank you!


My ideas for AI difficulties:







You forgot crackheads.Why?

Modified ideas.







No,crackheads are behind medium.They are good in dodging projectiles but lack in combat,unlike bots.They exist ,belive it or not.They my have different name for them,but that s how I call them.

lel, its my "true" avatar.
I use it everywhere. But i missed userecho. (idk why)

great idea +1


The only problem with it, is that it would make the quest a lot easier. For example if your quest was block 10 times, u could set the AI to only spam attacking, nothing else. Maybe don't allow quest completions on practice mode?

That makes sense.That's just cheap way of acomplishing things without good effort and feel of well earned goal.

Yeah, I didn't think of that thx for reminding me. I'm going to be making another Idea later today

Ok,np.Don't overdo it.

bumping this because its a really good and really useful idea and Rezoner hasnt seen it (or at least we dont know if he did)